If you get repeated prompts for login and you are using IE with these values, please try this link. It will import a value into your computer’s registry to set the security to the current latest that will work with our Gateways

There are a couple of issues here and separated into sections

See Also: RDP/RDSH Asks for Credentials when Launching a RemoteApp

See Also: RDS – Windows 7 Issues Connecting

Windows 10

Download and run this registry key. This key will strengthen RDP connection and allow connections to https://gateway.crouse.org and https://vendors.crouse.org


Windows 7 – RDP version 7.1 or earlier

What we found is that you need to be at RDP version 8.0 or higher.

A hotfix (KB2574819) followed by RDC version 8.0 (KB2592687).

** In addition, you need to enable TLS 1.2 from this link.


If there is a problem with the updates, you can use the following archive. We have packaged up version RDP 8.1

You need to have this hotfix at minimum (no reboot) hotfix (KB2574819)

If you have a 64-bit computer, extract the “x64” folder into c:\windows\system32

If you have a 32-bit computer, extract the “x86” folder into c:\windows\system32


** Ensure you backup your files prior to doing this **

Windows 7 – RDP version 8.# or later

Generally you need to just run  https://info.crouse.org/FixGateway.reg


How to tell your version?

Launch Remote Desktop Connection from the START menu

Click the Window icon and select About










Look at the version as shown below




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